Destinations students get a holiday treat

Students at Destinations Academy celebrated the holidays in style during their last week at school before winter break.

Thanks to the work of Educational Assistant Michael Laney, who went out in the community to collect donations, the high school students started off the celebration Wednesday with a trip to Ross, where the students were able to purchase some clothes for themselves.

On Thursday, the students came back and had a holiday lunch of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and a roll. But this lunch came with a twist. Reviving a tradition that faded during COVID, representatives from the Coos County Sheriff’s Office came to Destinations and served the students lunch.

The students also received stockings full of goodies thanks to the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-day Saints, and each student received a $20 gift card.

Incoming Sheriff Gabe Fabrizio and Chip Delyria, the emergency management manager for the county, served each student their lunch. And when they were done, the two officers sat down with the students to eat.

Fabrizio said it is important for he and his deputies to do community events like the one at Destinations because it helps build relationships between law enforcement and the community.

Destinations Principal Kayla Crook was thrilled with the events, adding the students had a lot of fun and represented the school well throughout the week.