Watch for a call this week from your child's teacher

Dear CBSD parents and guardians:
As part of the district's closure plan, you should be receiving a call from your child's teacher or advisory teacher this week between April 1-3. Please note, the phone call may come from a blocked or unknown number. Staff will be contacting every student and their family to check in and gather information to help identify the needs of our families, as well as social emotional needs.
If you don't receive a phone call by Friday, April 3, please call your school's main line and leave a message with:
Your name, your child's name, child's teacher, your phone number, and your call will be returned.
If your contact number has changed recently, please call your school's main number and the information will be forwarded to your child's teacher.
Direct Numbers for schools:
Madison: 541-888-1218
Blossom Gulch: 541-267-1340
Millicoma: 541-267-1468
Sunset: 541-888-1242
Marshfield: 541-267-1401
Destinations/Resource Link: 541-267-1485
This is a difficult time for everyone, and we appreciate your patience. Please know that we miss your children and are working hard to support their education.
Shelby George
Secretary to the Superintendent and School Board
Coos Bay School District